Monday, January 09, 2006

Rigor Vitae: Life Unyielding

Rigor Vitae: Life Unyielding

This is what Life is about.
Life is not limited to actuality -- it arches across virtuality to that bridge of Art to a transcendence, that is not even merely alive. THAT is what life is about -- the sum that is more.

1 comment:


    1. The eels of the Sargaso Sea. Although we do not know how they actually breed, as it is simply something never observed, we know the tiny little infant eel beginners begin in the Sargaso Sea, in the Atlantic, and then they look for fresh waters, in both the old and the new world continents, actually swimming to the headwaters and lakes, even crawling across open fields to find calm waters. Once they find calm water, they grow large, and develop sex organs. Once mature, they head back to the sea and find the Sargasso depths and disappear. Actually the old world eels disappear before they head back, none of them breed. They never make it back to the Sargasso Sea. Their population is entirely replaced by off-spring of their American cousins.

    2. The largest body of life in the Sea. Is the smallest. In 1998, scientists discovered a form of life so small we had not previously noticed, and now we find that ½ the living matter in the Sea is this tiny bacteria. It is smaller than a virus.
