Saturday, January 07, 2006

Our Cervantes "... de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme"

I will try to post pictures of Cervantes, or at least cite to the ones that are most interesting. Of course, no one knows what he looked like--no paintings or drawings of him are contemporary.


  1. Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
    mi ritrovai per una selva oscura
    che la diritta via era smarrita.

    Midway upon the journey of our life
    I found myself within a dark forest,
    for the straightforward pathway
    had been lost.

    -- Dante

  2. Ic motoma xochuic ihuinti
    in toyalla

    -- Huehuemoxtezuma

    Where shall we again
    obtain the fragrance of our youth?

  3. ...the snows of yesteryear.

    -- Villon
